“You need to promote Ali’s Solution more, I love my calves and they come small.” -Toby Frehauf Calving ease • Fabulous looking calves 👌🏻 #LautnerFarms #AlisSolution Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
#LautnerFarms #DakotaGoldSired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
https://www.sconlinesales.com/Bids/AuctionsListing/20148 #LautnerFarms #MABSired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
Please share your pics of Lautner Farms sired calves to our FB page messenger account, email nlautner@icloud.com, or text 515-351-7016 today! 📲
#LautnerFarms #HuffNPuffSired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
#LautnerFarms #MonopolySired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today!📲
He’s hairy, stout, & clean! 🙌🏻 #LautnerFarms #SteamRoller Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
#LautnerFarms #MABSired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
Congratulations! 🎉 Unstoppable x (Carney Man/ Heatwave) heifer Sold by Cattle Ranch Paradise of California #LautnerFarms #UnstoppableSired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲
#LautnerFarms #SolidGoldSired Call 1-800-515-3284 to order your semen today! 📲