Champion Slick Steer Sire: Mercedes Benz Dam: Heatwave Bred by: Paul Schaefer Sold by Weis Cattle Congratulations to Kaysie Allen!
Champion Charolais Steer Sire: Monopoly Dam: Purebred Charolais Bred by: Netzke Show Cattle Congratulations to Thomas Netzke! Reserve Champion Charolais Steer Sire: Monopoly Bred & Sold by Vickland Congratulations to Emma Marthaler!
Reserve Champion Maine-Anjou SteerSire: UnstoppableDam: Believe in MeBred & Sold by: CapatskeCongratulations to Jack Bjorklund!
Champion Simmental SteerSire: UnstoppableDam: AffirmedBred by: Lindalin FarmsSold by: CapatskeCongratulations to Beau Peine
Reserve Grand Champion Steer2016 Crawford County Fair | PennsylvaniaShown by Huston MattocksSired by Jesse JamesBred by Shining Star Cattle CompanySold by Adam and Ryan Mattocks
Grand Champion Steer Crawford Co. fair PaI-67 x Redbird ( Monopoly x maine)Bred by Adam MattocksSold by Adam and Ryan MattocksShown by Josh Schmidt
Grand Champion Market Steer Sire: Monopoly/Monopoly CloneRaised by: Jimmy MartinSold by: BeckettCongratulations to AK Phillips!
Res grand market heifer WV St fr bred by Goff/Sharp,raised and shown by B5 livestock, sired by Monopoly, full sister to grand overall steer and grand crossbred heifer! Congratulations Bartenslager family on a great run at... More
Brooke had Reserve breeding heifer overall today in the 4 H show at Brown County Fair. I80 raised by Reindl.