Sire: Icon
Dam: Meyer
DOB: 2022
Sex: Bred Heifer
Breed: Mainetainer
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Bred to: 44 Farms Angus
DUE DATE: 29-Mar
Consignor: Trevor Roche
I love everything about this one except that the sun wasn’t shining the day she got her picture taken. I bought this female from Mr. Charter Oak 1981 Fred Jepsen. He bought her mother from me the prior year bred to Icon. Fred buys cattle like me, we both might squeak when we walk. He certainly found a bargain in this one’s mother. This heifer paid for Mom in the first year! I farmed this heifer out to the family that does my corn chopping, and they have done an amazing job with her. I really like the Icon daughters that we have. They bring some “Real World” back to the Maines that is so desperately needed. This female is marked absolutely perfect to make baldy females, and with the maternal backing she has I think she will she a shot of FSH soon after she calves. She will be arriving at Dunlap later because she is heading to Phoenix after Christmas for her last show and then coming East. Yes, I’m not the biggest fan of X-show heifers, but I know this one 3 generations deep and she’s good stock. SELLING HALF INTEREST