Sire: Monopoly 7
Dam: Jakes Proud Jazz (PB Shorthorn)
DOB: March
Sex: Steer
Breed: Shorthorn Plus
Consignor: Dostal Show Cattle: Keith402.750.8219Kurt402.649.7915
This steer and lot 16 are full sibs and they are very alike in the way they are made. We have sold a number of full sibs to these steers in the past and buyers have never been disappointed. This steer is soft made, great haired and cool hipped. This is the one of three shorthorn plus steers we are selling. Don’t overlook any of them!

Sire: Monopoly
Dam: Purebred Charolais
DOB: April
Sex: Steer
Breed: Composite Charolais
Consignor: Gall Cattle Co.: Jason402.910.2230Jacob402.910.0142
True Potential are the words we use to describe this one. Out of our Dyson donor that has consistently produced quality progeny. This steer continues to get better and better every single day. Give him some time and he’ll be ready to take over the show ring!